
2nd period in history

In previous post I have told about the time period from 1960 to 1990, i.e. the era before the birth of the World Wide Web that we live in today. Now it’s time to continue my narration about chatting, from 1990 until 2009.

So here some chats are, some of the most popular computer messaging applications and services during 1990-2009, including some less known ones, that helped drive innovation and development forward.

 There is one more timeline.

CU-SeeMe is a video-conferencing application. The software made it possible to make video calls over the Internet. The earliest versions of the application only supported video. Audio support was added later on.


PowWow was launched in 1994 by a company owned by John McAfee. It was one of the first instant messaging and chat applications available for Windows.PowWow introduced several innovations such as allowing users to talk to each other (voice chat), shared whiteboards and sending messages to offline users.


theGlobe.com was founded by two college students late in 1994 and went live in 1995. They managed to raise $15,000 to found their software company and buy the Apple Internet Server that they used to launch the service. The company later went public in 1998 but was hit badly by the dot com bust in 2001. The website is considered as one of the first social networks.


  1. Interesting update. Thanks. I can tell you are on the ball with this topic about online chatting. DH


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